
Showing posts from October, 2017

Must Try Easy Exercises to Reduce Body Fat At Home

Winters have almost come and many of us are worried about the common problem and it is weight gain. This is because shedding body fat is a big challenge in this season. If you love your body, just as I do, and you don’t have enough time to hit the gym, then readers you need to try some exercise at home. Trust me on this; you can reduce your body fat without heading to the gym. Just take out 20 minutes from your busy schedule to your body and see the results in one month. One more thing that you need to do is take a picture of you in front of the mirror and notice the changes every week. It’s a great way to start moving again, so get off your bed, put the high-calorie food items away and follow these 4 exercises at home.  Follow These 4 Exercises at Home to Reduce Body Fat: 1. Push-ups Push-ups are the common exercise about which everybody knows, but not the right way to do it. It truly is a great exercise and is very much helpful to shed the upper body fa